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BC TEAL Volunteer Form

Calling dedicated members to become part of the leadership team!

There are many leadership opportunities with BC TEAL. We are always looking for members to work with a variety of committees and events. Our committees work on conference and event planning, webinars, advocacy, membership, professional development, the website, fundraising for the TCF, publications, different sectors, and social media. We are also actively recruiting volunteers with specific skill sets such as IT or marketing. For more information about us visit our website at

As a volunteer-run organization, we rely on the work of our members. If you'd like to contribute to your professional community, let us know. We'd love to hear from you; please fill in the form below. Based on your responses, we will share your application with the relevant committee chair(s) who will contact you regarding leadership opportunities. If you are interested in being a Regional Representative, please indicate which region in question number one.
We look forward to talking to you soon.

Please note, depending on the role or position, specific criteria may be needed. For most roles and committees, membership in BC TEAL is required.
2. Are you a current BC TEAL member? *This question is required.
Words used: 0 out of 50.
Words used: 0 out of 50.
Words used: 0 out of 50.

Please provide us with your contact information. This information will be used for administrative purposes, but will not be shared outside of BC TEAL.

This question requires a valid email address.