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2023 FMF Attendee Survey

Thank you for providing your feedback so we can continue to improve the Family Medicine Forum (FMF) experience.
1. Which groups are you a member of: (Check all that apply)
1a. Please select your staff category
1b. Did you feel informed and well prepared to work at FMF?
2. Please indicate which of the following patient groups and populations your practice serves (check all that apply):
3. Current Career Level
5. Needs Assessment - Are there any topics you need more information on that should be considered as part of the FMF educational program
5a. Needs Assessment - What topics do you need more information on (check all that apply)
5b. Are there any topic(s) not listed above you want to learn more about?
6. Needs Assessment - Are there any topics you feel we should cut back on in the FMF educational program?
6a. Needs Assessment - What topics do you feel we should cut back on?  (Check all that apply) 
12. How would you rate the diversity of topics offered
Space Cell Just RightToo FewToo ManyN/A
In Person
Live Streaming
11. How would you rate the quantity of sessions
Space Cell Just RightToo FewToo ManyN/A
In Person
Live Streaming
7. How did you find out / learn more about FMF? (check all the apply)
8. Do you read the following publications? (Check all that apply.)
9. Which formats did you attend FMF (Check all that apply)?
Rate your overall live streaming experience
Space Cell 1 star = poor | 5 stars = excellent
Overall Experience
How likely are you to register for live streaming again?
Very LikelyLikelyNeutralUnlikelyVery Unlikely
Would you recommend live streaming to a colleague?
Rate your overall on-demand experience
Space Cell 1 star = poor | 5 stars = excellent
Overall Experience
How likely are you to register for on-demand again?
Very LikelyLikelyNeutralUnlikelyVery Likely
Would you recommend on-demand to a colleague?
10. If you were required to pick one online format in the future, which would you prefer?
13. Did you use the FMF app during the event?
13a. Please rate your overall experience with the FMF app
Space Cell 1 star = poor | 5 stars = excellent
Overall App Experience
4. Please rate the following FMF activities by how important they are to you (skip any you do not wish to answer) 
Space Cell Very ImportantImportantNeutralLess ImportantNot RelevantN/A
Learning about advances in family medicine
Earning CPD credits
Keynote presentations
Clinical Sessions
Teaching Sessions
Research Sessions
Workshops - half day and full day courses
Ancillary Sessions - Extra sessions early, late, and lunch
Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall Main Stage
Networking opportunities
Lunch events
Evening events
Presidents installation
Other meetings you were invited to
14. Please rate the following events (Please skip any events that you did not attend)
Space Cell 1 star = poor | 5 stars = excellent
Dr. Kannin Osei-Tutu Keynote (Wednesday)
Dr. Tara Kiran Keynote (Thursday)
Dr. Marie-Dominique Beaulieu Keynote (Friday)
Family Medicine and Primary Care Research: Celebrating, Integrating and Networking (Wednesday Evening)
Celebrating Family Medicine Teaching Excellence Event (Thursday Evening)
First Five Years of Family Practice Social (Thursday Evening)
Awards Gala (Friday Evening)
MIGS Networking Event (Friday Evening)
Convocation (Saturday Evening)
15. Did you find the conference to be accessible and inclusive to everyone who attended?
17. Please rate the following
Space Cell 1 star = poor | 5 stars = excellent
Overall FMF experience
Overall certified sessions (met my learning needs)
Overall networking sessions / event experience
18. Please rate your FMF experience
Space Cell 1 star = poor | 5 stars = excellent
I felt moved or inspired
I was engaged in the experience
I was exposed to new points of view or ways of thinking about things
It made me want to know more about what I heard
It is relevant to my current practice
19. Would you recommend FMF to a colleague?
21. Would you consider submitting an abstract to present at FMF 2024? Submissions are accepted from December 15, 2023 to February 9, 2024. 
This question requires a valid email address.
22. Would you like to be added to our FMF email list to be notified a few times a year about FMF and FMF LOVED?
This question requires a valid email address.
23. Are you planning to attend FMF 2024?