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2023/24 Golden Visitor Study

Landing Page

Welcome to Golden’s Visitor Survey!

Thank you for participating in this survey. Tourism Golden wants to better understand the experience of visitors while in destination which will help us improve. 

This survey may take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete depending on your answers. If you need to exit the survey and complete it at another time, please use the 'save & continue later' button on the upper right of your screen.

By completing this short survey, you may be eligible to opt-in to a draw to win one (1) of two (2) monthly prizes of pre-paid gift VISA cards valued at $150 each (Canadian dollars and accepted worldwide). The draw will be held within the first two weeks of the following month. In addition, you can opt to complete a second survey once you have returned home. By completing the follow up questionnaire, you will be eligible for a draw to win a quarterly prize of one (1) of three (3) pre-paid gift VISA cards valued at $200 each (Canadian dollars and accepted worldwide). 

Please note, entry for both draws is limited to visitors (local residents are excluded) with one entry per travel party per month (first survey) or per quarter (second survey). As such, please have only one member of your travel party complete the survey.  Please see Contest Rules here.

How to navigate? Please use the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons at the bottom of your screen to navigate through the survey. Do not use your web browser’s navigation buttons located at the top of your screen as they may cause connection errors.

Questions? If you have any questions, or experience any technical difficulties while completing this survey, please contact Align Consulting by email at

Please click 'next' to start the survey.