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  CANSSI Ontario
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1. Registration Type *This question is required.
2. Registrant Information *This question is required.
Enter the email address where you would like to receive a confirmation email. This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
5. Are you affiliated with/enrolled in a university in Ontario? *This question is required.
Which one? *This question is required.Please select the university you are primarily affiliated with from the list below.
Which campus? *This question is required.
Title *This question is required.
Non-university affiliation. *This question is required.
Title *This question is required.
6. How did you hear about this event? Check all that apply.*
Which platform? *This question is required.
Information from event registration forms is anonymously aggregated for reporting to CANSSI Ontario funding entities.

CANSSI Ontario respects your privacy and protects your personal information. We observe good privacy practices, including letting you know what your personal information is collected for, and sharing it only as necessary for official CANSSI Ontario purposes.

We protect your personal information with effective up-to-date physical, electronic, and administrative security consistent with current IT security standards.

We also use personal information to improve our services and programs, to ensure that we work efficiently and effectively.

If you have any questions, please contact Esther Berzunza, Program Manager, at or by calling at 416-689-7271.