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Castlegar - Nelson Active Transportation Corridor Survey


Nelson – Castlegar Active Transportation Corridor Vision Plan Survey

The West Kootenay Cycling Coalition, with support from the Active Transportation Fund through the Regional District of Central Kootenay, is undertaking an Active Transportation Corridor Vision Plan (ATCVP) to assess the feasibility of a year-round, inclusive, and accessible multi-use pathway for both commuting and recreational purposes, connecting the cities of Castlegar and Nelson generally along the alignment of Highway 3A & the Kootenay River.

The 45-kilometre active transportation route is envisioned to strengthen local active transportation networks by providing a regional connection that is safe, accessible, and inclusive. The plan considers connections to other significant regional trails such as the Columbia and Western Rail trail, Slocan Valley Rail trail, and the Great Northern Rail Trail.

This survey seeks your valuable input to help shape a safe, accessible, and inclusive route that enhances connectivity, supports health and wellbeing, and promotes active transportation tourism.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes, and all responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. The survey will be open until 11:59pm on May 13th, 2024 Thank you for your time and participation!

This survey is intended to be anonymous. Please do not provide your name, address or any other personal information that directly or indirectly identifies yourself and/or others. No comments received will be attributed to any individuals and feedback collected will be aggregated into themes for transportation planning purposes.

The personal information you provide is being collected in accordance with S.26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used only for the purpose of processing this information. For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact the Privacy Officer at (250) 352-6665 or

Understanding your movement patterns is a crucial step towards building a comprehensive Active Transportation Corridor Vision Plan (ATCVP). In this section we aim to understand how you currently navigate our community, which areas you frequent, and your primary modes of transportation.

The Study area is shown here.

What is Active Transportation?
Active transportation, as defined in the BC Active Transportation Design Guide, includes any form of human-powered transportation, including walking, cycling, or rolling using a skateboard, in-line skates, wheelchair or other wheel-based forms of human-powered transportation.
1. Are you aware this project aims to create a new active transportation route between Castlegar and Nelson, generally following the alignment of Highway 3A and the Kootenay River?
2. When you choose to walk, cycle or roll within the study area what is the main purpose of your trip? (Select all that apply)
3. How often do you use the following modes of travel within the Castlegar to Nelson area?
Space Cell NeverRarely (1- 2 times per month)Occasionally (3 - 4 times per month)Frequently (1 -2 times per week)Always (Daily)
Walk, run or roll, including an assistive devices (e.g. wheelchair, walker)
Cycle (including pedal bike, e-bike)
Micromobility device (e.g. in-line skate, skateboard, e-scooter)
Public transit (e.g BC transit, handyDART)
Driver or passenger in a motor vehicle (e.g. car, truck, motorcycle)